Thursday, April 7, 2011

They got cars, I got boots!

Hi Everyone, these are some of the last traces of winter in our neighborhood, the first two even look like little puppies "Patches"!!!  the last one, I'll just call "Spot".  I've been walking to and from work for several years now, not every day but almost. Rain, snow, wind, heat or shine.  It's been an educational experience, observing the weather, feeling the fresh air, saying Hi to joggers, fellow walkers, or bicyclers.  Thinking about the day ahead or the day that just passed.  or What I'll be having for my lunch (I walk home for lunch break too - and most the of the time I walk back to work after 35-40 minutes)  Sometimes I figure out difficult problems, musical, financial, familial, creative, technical, psychological and so on. 
    Recently I've added a new feature to my daily footwork routine, a small inexpensive mP3 player that I bought on the internet for about 15 US dollars a few years ago. It's great! - I can put dozens (and dozens) of songs on it, of my choice, oldies, reminiscing songs, new hits, rock, country, classical,  folk - etcetera etcetera - - great fun to help pass the time without worrying as much about being tired, or the cold, snowy or hot weather (yes we do have summer in Maine).  And I arrive at work (or back home) with great tunes in my head that help (I'm sure) my endorphins to lift my mood or raise my HDL, even on the coldest days, at times this winter it was 10-15 degrees below on some mornings - I wear a coat (or two) with a nice warm scarf, a cool gray felt cap with a visor and flaps for my ears (that also help me hear the music "earbuds" better - a nice perk!) - gloves or mittens are not mandatory as I like my hands free to feel the air or plunge them into my pockets on the windchill mornings...
    Now many of you who might be reading this, already know how far it is to my work here in South Berwick, I was going to reveal that distance now - but decided to have anyone who would like - to make their best guess on my daily treks to and from work.  A hint would be that I did not walk 5 miles in the deep snow to go to my elementary school when I was younger, and I still don't walk that far!  By the way, we went back to my Mom and Dad's hometown of Bellevue (Pittsburgh suburb) PA many times over the years and found that my Dad's grade school was less than a mile from his house!!  So some memories aren't that accurate (or honest!!!). 
   Meanwhile, it was in the 40's today, and as the above pictures show, most of the snow melted this week, a few icy patches left, and the crocuses are pushing up everywhere and blooming, as a strong protest to the lingering winter weather.  So by the time people come to visit us this summer it will most likely be in the 70's or 80's, but not me, I'm only in my early 60' - really....  the ocean temp however will also be in the low 60's - too cold for anyone but the most avid tourists who want to get their money's worth after driving all the way up north to see our beautiful Maine, as the greeting sign says on Interstate 95 - "The Way Life Should Be".
     Thanks for reading this epistle, I'm very grateful for the beauty of this land, and if you every get the chance, my beautiful wife Leona has written and recorded with her group, "Salt River" - her song, "Livin' on the Coast of Maine".    Night night all!  and keep those sidewalks clear!!